2024 - 2025
Where champions are made.
Club Information

What is Club Volleyball?
Club volleyball is an organized, nationwide, competitive volleyball network designed to provide training and playing opportunities for pre-college athletes. Because of the length of the season, club volleyball provides extensive practices which allows for thousands of extra “reps” that ensure improvement in skill and competition. Many club volleyball programs throughout the country serve niches which range from a low commitment to a very highly competitive level, and everything in between. Almost all club volleyball programs associate with one or more governing organizations (USA Volleyball, AAU, JVA, etc) in order to sanction their competition.
What is Spiked City DC’s Mission?
It is our mission to not only provide athletes with a premier volleyball program that focuses on the technical and fundamental training needed to become elite volleyball players, but to also emphasize the intangible skills necessary to have positive impacts on their teams and in their schools and communities.
What age group do I tryout for?
16 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2008
15 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2009
14 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2010
13 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2011
12 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2012
11 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2013
10 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2014
9 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2015
Are athletes required to play in the age‐level specified by the USAV eligibility standards?
While student‐athletes may not play at a lower age level than their eligibility, they may be able to play at an older age level. Spiked City DC takes very seriously keeping student‐athletes at their age level, however, we will consider peer group issues and advanced skills when making final team placements.
Can I watch my child tryout?
Does Spiked City DC support the multi sport athlete?
Yes. We understand the importance of a well-rounded athlete and how participation in one sport can have a tremendously positive effect on the outcome of another. However, missing multiple practices due to practices or other commitments is not encouraged as it ultimately affects team chemistry and success.
What are the costs and what will it cover?
Current season fees for teams can be found above.
When and where do teams practice?
A list of former season practice locations is listed on our website. Exact practice times and locations will be provided by each team coach after tryouts.
Does SCDC have a playing time philosophy?
For the youngest age group (12U), we do employ the philosophy that everyone receives playing time. Please note that playing time may not be equitable, however, everyone in this particular age group will receive playing time in every tournament. For ages 13 and up, playing time will be determined by the coaches. Coaches will make decisions that are best for the entire team. These decisions may not always be in alignment with what individual parents think.
Will my child have more than one coach?
Yes, every team will have a head coach and an assistant coach, or two associate head coaches.
Do teams practice together and/or compete against one another?
Typically, no. There may be instances (due to inclement weather or facility conflicts) when teams may practice together to avoid canceling a practice. More reps equal better players!
How many teams will SCDC field this year?
Number of teams is based on tryout participation.
How many players will be on each team?
The majority of teams will have 14 players. There is the possibility that 2 practice players will practice with each team as well.
What is a practice player?
A practice player is a player who shows a commitment to the game and development but may not be ready to compete at her respective age level. Practice players may attend all workouts and practices but will not compete in tournaments.
How often do teams practice?
Teams will practice 2 times per week.
What tournaments will SCDC teams play in?
All teams will compete in regional tournaments, which occur in the Chesapeake Region (Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, DC) and against other Chesapeake region teams.